Cocoon Fine Rugs

Never letting you go

Rs. 325,000.00


Hand-knotted carpet made of handspun hightwist wool with handspun pure silk accents.

Approx Size - 8'x10', 5'X7'


Collection - Meraki by Falguni Shane Peacock


Meraki is a bold and edgy collection of handknotted rugs designed by the avant-garde fashion designer duo and woven by the most skilled craftsmen from Cocoon. The rugs have a high glam quotient and have the much sought-after design elements of FSP including chain mail motifs, intricate design meshes, medallions, links, and hearts, and have been discreetly monogrammed. Made using fine hand-carded wool and natural silk, these rugs are sure to set a new benchmark in the design industry!                                   

Note: Slight color variation in image and actual carpet is to be expected.


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